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Winter 2007 Geumgang University English Camp
작성자 관리자 작성일 07/01/29 조회수 14425

 Winter 2007 Geumgang University English Camp

Winter 2007 Geumgang University English Camp started on January 15th and lasted for ten days. 15 staffs were involved in the camp, and four of them are foreign students. Each class was attended by seventeen students, two teacher assistants and one foreign teacher, who also acted as the homeroom teacher.

The theme for this year’s camp was “The Incredible”, and at the end of the camp each class was required to do a drama presentation (a short play). Normal classes were held everyday from 9:00 in the morning to 2:00 pm. Students also had the opportunity to join rotation classes in the afternoon, such as cooking class, quiz class, map class, theme class, magic class, singing and dancing class. Aside from the classes, the program also contained some outdoor activities, such as sports day and sledding. Students also participated in making a newspaper, and design a t-shirt according to the theme of the camp, “The Incredible”.

Ten days, yet feels like a lifetime. However, the camp was successful. The children seemed to enjoy the camp and were satisfied with the program. Thanks to all staffs who contributed in making this camp possible and successful. Great team! 

By Lidya Widjojo
January 27, 2007

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