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GU held a Special Event (Golden Bell) in China
작성자 관리자 작성일 07/10/31 조회수 9205

 GU held a Special Event (Golden Bell) in China

Sung Nak-seung, president of GU, and his party participated in “The Golden Bell Contest Hosted by the President of GU himself” at O-on University in Sunyang City, intended for the Korean students living in China.

The contest started two years ago with the educational research institute in Simyang City. The purpose of it is not only to encourage our school to concern about education of Koreans who were born in other countries, but also to improve the potential capability to adapt ourselves to the rapidly changed information-oriented society.

100 selected Korean students across every grade of school participate, and they should answer the 50 in-depth questions about humanities, mathematics, physics, chemistry, music, art, politics, history, geography, international issues, and so on. The student who answered all questions rightly gets the scholarship and the prize – one million won. Others who almost answered the questions can get supplementary prizes.

During the contest “the Art and Literature Contest” is also held. Students performed the Korean traditional arts (dancing, fan dance, classical music, or Taekwondo) or the latest and modern music, competing sharply. They cheered their respective team.

The Golden Bell contest with about 1000 cheerers is gaining ground on the city as one of the biggest festival, creating the sensation among both Korean and Chinese.

President Sung said “I hope that we can stimulate Koreans across China to have the educational desire with the contest as years go by. In addition, I also expect that through the contest the relationships between two universities can be more active, and eventually the contest can be the stimulant to accelerate harmonizing and developing Korean.”

Even though this year there is no student who answered all questions, the local residents and students applauded the event for the fierce competition and well-ordered program.

GU, Webzine Reporter Joo Sae-bae (nicesaebae@ggu.ac.kr)
Translation by GU, Kim Myeon-su (ma9494@ggu.ac.kr)



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