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Cherry Blossom Festival
작성자 관리자 작성일 06/04/19 조회수 13838


Cherry Blossom Festival

April 16, 2006
By: Lidya Widjojo
Megazine, Korea

The month of April is a good time to attend the Cherry Blossom Festival (known as 벚꽃 축제) at Donghaksa Temple (학사).

One of the best spots to enjoy the cherry blossoms is along the road from Bakjeongja Samgeori to DonghaksaTemple. It is a three-kilometer-long road with cherry trees along the sides of the pavements, creating a cherry blossom tunnel.

According to KBS news, the Donghaksa Temple Spring Flowers Festival has been held since 1993. The festival is held in early April, when the cherry blossoms come into full bloom. Along the street (which is known as the cherry blossom tunnel) visitors can also enjoy various kinds of Korean traditional snacks. Long lines of food stalls and cafes are stretched along both sides of the road.

Donghaksa Temple

Founded in 724 (King Seongduk 23, Silla), Donghaksa temple is located on the eastern side of Gyeryong National Park, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do Province and known as the original temple of King Taejo, Goryeo Dynasty. The temple is a ten minute walk from the gate of Gyeryong Mountain  at Daejeon and Yuseong. It usually takes about 40 minutes to get there from Daejeon Station.

Travel Tips


  • Inner City Bus (No. 102, 103) from Daejeon Bus Terminal to Donghaksa/ arrives frequently/ 1 hour and 10 minute ride  (Bus No. 103 only runs on Sundays.)
  • Inter/Inner City Bus (Bus No. 102, 103) from Yuseong Intercity Bus Terminal
    Yuseong Keumho Bus Terminal to Donghaksa / comes frequently / 15 minute ride
    (Bus No. 103 only runs on Sundays.)
  • Inner City Bus from Old Gongju Bus Terminal to Donghaksa /30 minute interval.
  • Inner City Bus No. 2 in front of Daejeon Yuseong Police Substation bound for Gapsa. Runs 14 times a day/ 50 minute ride (one hour interval)
  • Inner City Bus No. 10 from Gongju to Sinwonsa Temple /40 minute ride

Further inquires about express bus or bus route: call Dasejeon City Bus Union (telephone: 042-527-5231)


Do not forget to bring along your student ID card for a ticket discount.

Detailed Information

Inquiries: Gyeryongsan Administration Office +82-42-825-3002(Kor) / Travel Phone +82-42-1330(Eng,Kor,Jpn,Chn)
Website: http://www.npa.or.kr/kyeryong/default.asp(Eng, Kor)
Admission: http://www.npa.or.kr/kyeryong/english/npa/fee.htm
6:00 a.m. ~ 7:00 p.m Open year round


Gyeryeongsan National Park, Gyeryeongsan National Park; Sightseeing, Tour2Korea

(URL accessed on April 16, 2006).

“April on Gyeryong Mountain with cherry blossoms”, Gyeryerongsan; Travel, KBS Global

(URL accessed on April 16, 2006)

“Mt. Gyeryong”, Gyeryong; Internet Tour Guide, Yousong Hotel (URL accessed on April 16, 2006)

취재 | 금강웹진 명예기자 Lidya Widjojo


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